José Pedro Godoy | Santiago de Chile

“Historia violenta y luminosa”

Art exhibition in the Museo de Bellas Artes in Santiago de Chile.

A “flying” sailboat in the interior of the museum

Soap opera and gay aesthetics combined with colors that create light that looks either natural or electric; Godoy’s work reflects a strong erotism as well as the present time itself. Despite the contemporary style, the works are becoming classic, expressing the eternal body desire and sexuality.

After all those centuries of silence and discretion, it is now time for the concept of gay sexuality to be part of what is classic in the contemporary art.

Godoy creates images at the boundaries between painting and photography, with intense contrast between the body and its environment, dense dark shadows from bright light that makes the details of the face and body disappear. With the male nude in a mystic or a sexually romantic atmosphere, Godoy’s figures become the contemporary odalisques, who love to be desired and become symbols of timeless beauty and sexuality of their time.

Dark, light and shadows frame the figures implying a lively sense of death and life while exotic birds and flowers harmonize with and complete  the grace of beauty and charm.




More on Historia violenta y luminosa in Spanish here.

Follow the artist on Instagram here.

Handwritten on November 18, 2016